I see a belo horizonte
...but I feel a heavy sun.
It has gotten even hotter here as it is approaching summer, It´s not there yet though. I had a pretty good week, but my mom has been asking for an outline of my normal day, so I´ll start with that:
1. 6:30am = wake up, pray, do really wimpy exercises, shower, shave, iron my shirt for the day and eat a grilled ham and cheese sandwich
2. 8:00am = pray, personal study for 1 hour, pray, companion study for 1 hour, training for one hour, pray, language study for one hour, put on my white shirt
3. 12:00pm = pray, walk to lunch, sweat, eat, get told to eat more, go out and teach lessons and try to find people
4. sometime we have a noite familiar with a member and their friend, or noite de integração
5. 9-9:30pm = arrive at home, pray, plan(if Barbosa has to do some District Leader stuff we do it in the morning), pray, change clothes, eat a grilled ham and cheese, read some of a book in English(I just finished Jesus the Christ and started The History of Hakan Anderson)
6. 10:30pm = pray, go to sleep
Well, that´s a normal day for me right now. As you can see, I´m living on a prayer and some grilled ham & cheese. This week I didn´t really have many normal days though.

Last p-day we had Elders Cunha and Campelo over and our laundry room was filled with smoke. We made some churrasco bar-b-que. It was good, I really liked the linguisa sausage, but the other meat was too salty for me. Of course, since we are in Brasil we had some rice with it.

The next day was zone meeting. It's very similar to zone conference, only without the mission President and AP´s. It went well and I understood almost all of it. Elder Barbosa and I were asked to do the first lesson in 4 minutes. We got close, but they cut us off before we were able to finish. Because of the meeting we had two other missionaries from the U.S. staying with us, that made a total of 6 elders.
This week we had splits with the zone leaders that went well and gave me a funny story to tell. There was a guy on the side walk that stopped us, said something unintelligible to us and held out a cup. I was drinking a sprite at the time so I acted on impulse and poured some in. We walked away. I think he was a little stunned and only later did I realize he was asking for money.
* We lost a promising looking family, but gained another. One door opens when another another door closes.
* We got pizza one night which was a nice change from sandwiches.
* Transfers came in and Elder Barbosa and I are with each other for 6 more weeks.
*I like caldo de cana; juiced sugar cane
Elder Quain
Pizza & a new couch with Elder Barbosa |