Well this week we had a Conferencia de Natal. It was really fun. We left mid day on p-day in a van with the whole district. That meant there were 3 other English speakers. We had a half Portuguese mostly English conversation. I felt kind of bad that the others couldn´t understand, but I guess that´s pay back for the first three months of my mission. It was a five hour drive, but it felt a lot shorter. We then got to stay in a hotel overnight. I love a good shower and air conditioning.
The next day we had a continental breakfast, on a different continent and headed to the conference. There were some good talks and it was fun to talk with Elders Karren, Hollingshouas and Nelson from the MTC again. They gave us a big lunch and packages. Then we watched meet the Mormons in Portuguese. I ate a lot of candy from one of my packages during the movie. After that we headed home. This time the ride was a long 5 hours as I had a headache and the roads are rather bumpy. We ended up getting to bed about 12:30.
Nothing else really happened until my Birthday. I bought myself an orange cake that I had for breakfast and the ward had a party. Really it was for Christmas, but it was on my birthday, so it´s kind of like a birthday party. The food was good and they invited us to sing in the choir, which was fun.
Yes, the packages came. Thanks a ton. The only bad part was that I had to give one stocking to Elder Gonçalves. Very tempting to keep it! Both my past companions were jealous, and the guys thought I should split it up in between the MTC district. Thanks for the music. Right now we have a dvd player. It doesn´t work on it, but I looked on the computer and it´s there, so I´ll buy a different speaker to play it.
* I think I ate too much candy this week
* People here adore peanut butter
* One pair of shoes died this week
* I wonder if the mission president will let us watch Star Wars?
Elder Quain - Elder Goncalves - & coconuts
Merry Christmas!

Can you find Elder Quain? He's 2nd row from the top just off center from the Christmas tree.
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