I see a belo horizonte
It has gotten even hotter here as it is approaching summer, It´s not there yet though. I had a pretty good week, but my mom has been asking for an outline of my normal day, so I´ll start with that:
1. 6:30am = wake up, pray, do really wimpy exercises, shower, shave, iron my shirt for the day and eat a grilled ham and cheese sandwich
2. 8:00am = pray, personal study for 1 hour, pray, companion study for 1 hour, training for one hour, pray, language study for one hour, put on my white shirt
3. 12:00pm = pray, walk to lunch, sweat, eat, get told to eat more, go out and teach lessons and try to find people
4. sometime we have a noite familiar with a member and their friend, or noite de integração
5. 9-9:30pm = arrive at home, pray, plan(if Barbosa has to do some District Leader stuff we do it in the morning), pray, change clothes, eat a grilled ham and cheese, read some of a book in English(I just finished Jesus the Christ and started The History of Hakan Anderson)
6. 10:30pm = pray, go to sleep
Well, that´s a normal day for me right now. As you can see, I´m living on a prayer and some grilled ham & cheese. This week I didn´t really have many normal days though.
This week we had splits with the zone leaders that went well and gave me a funny story to tell. There was a guy on the side walk that stopped us, said something unintelligible to us and held out a cup. I was drinking a sprite at the time so I acted on impulse and poured some in. We walked away. I think he was a little stunned and only later did I realize he was asking for money.
* We lost a promising looking family, but gained another. One door opens when another another door closes.
* We got pizza one night which was a nice change from sandwiches.
* Transfers came in and Elder Barbosa and I are with each other for 6 more weeks.
*I like caldo de cana; juiced sugar cane
Elder Quain
Pizza & a new couch with Elder Barbosa |
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