I see a Belo Horizonte
This week was rather good and we were able to work quite a bit.
First off, My leg is doing better and I don´t need to use crutches any more. I don´t know if this trail was harder for me or elder Andrade as he had to get used to walking quite a bit slower than normal. He´s getting to learn a different kind of patience now.
We are teaching a Seventh-day Adventist couple that was preparing to get married and we got to go to their wedding. It was a different event and they all started singing "their hymns." Some of the old ladies were shocked when I started to sing along without a hymn book, some of them were disappointed too, as they thought they were the only group that knew these hymns. They sang 'How Great Thou Art' and 'Love at Home'. It was a little different as they repeated the frase "sabado santo"or sacred Saturday a lot.
For Christmas eve we had a dinner with an investigators family and he made a traditional Brasilian dinner with Pão de queijo(Cheese bread), a bunch of food, ice cream and cake. It´s good to have investigators that like you.
On Christmas eve and Christmas we mostly just caroled. We visited one retirement home and some of our investigators and members. I was a little timid to sing at first, but soon we were doing rather well. Just imagine two sweaty young adults with strange accents singing Christmas songs for you.
On Sunday we went to church and we were able to talk to family. It was good to see them and talk a little, but the time they give us passes by rather fast. But, the time on the mission passes by fast too. In no time at all I will be calling them again and going home. Just a reminder to use my time to the fullest.
Elder Quain
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