Saturday, November 26, 2016

November 21, 2016 - Ribeirão das Neves

I see a Belo Horizonte
Well this week we did a split with the Zone Leaders in their area. It went well and I was partnered up with Elder Volino. He´s a Brazilian, but he looks like he´s American. Quite a few people think that he is American. He speaks English well and we were switching between the two the entire day. We did quite a few visits and it was good and helped me identify some things that I can improve on. When we woke up in the morning we did exercises. They had a pull-up bar at the house so I decided to take advantage of the opportunity. Unfortunately, the bar gave up before I did and I ended up falling on my knees, but everything is good now.
We also had stake conference this week. President Fertnandes talked about listening to the promptings of the spirit and following them immediately. Elder Leal from the quorum of the seventy talked about the missionaries and how we are messengers, which means that we have a message. Our Message is the Restoration of the Gospel and Church of Christ. Our message is great and we need to become great like our message. He than asked and of the full time missionaries to stand up and asked why so few people were standing. He continued and stated the quote, "Every member a missionary" and had everyone stand up.
Lastly, my Christmas package came in and, as I was impatient, Christmas came early. I don´t know which was more exciting; chocolate, peanut butter, or socks.
Elder Quain

Oh, The packages came in this Sunday. Sorry, I don´t have very much patience and I already opened up them both. Muito Obrigado!!! Muchas Gracias! Thank you!!
Christmas came early this year, and my companion was rather excited.

We love the peanut butter. Elder Erazo

Doing splits: Elder Searle, Elder Valino, Elder Quain, Elder Sabino

 My new Christmas tie.

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