Well this week I will focus on two investigators; Márcia and Paulo.
Márcia is progressing really well and has the desire to be baptized!!! She has already been to church many times and is natural with the members. Before church starts we are out front inviting people to enter and almost every time we enter the chapel she is already there and we didn´t even see her walk in. This means that she´s arriving more than a half-hour early. Right now we are working with her to give up coffee so that she can be prepared to be baptized. We were explaining the Word of wisdom to her and her mom and the understood all of it, except the coffee. We explained that many members say it is because it has caffeine and is habit forming, but the real response is that we do not drink it because God asked us not to. In the scriptures God says, 'my thoughts are not your thoughts.' He knows better than us and wants to help us. Also, it is a test of obedience. To see if we will be obedient to God´s commandments even if we do not understand them.
The other is Paulo. He has been coming to church for about two months now and we were teaching him. When we came to baptism he told us that he didn´t know if God really exists. We asked him if he had been reading the book of Mormon. He responded one time per week. We invited him to read and pray everyday for an answer. He told us that he still doesn´t have a certainty, but he wants to believe. That is the first step, to have the desire. We are trying to help him see how his life has changed since he started coming to church.
Everyone passes through trials and doubts in this life, but we are not alone. When we turn to Christ we have a power that is beyond our own. It can help us overcome our weaknesses and face the unknown.....that rhymed....
Elder Quain