Wednesday, November 25, 2015

November 23, 2015 - Ipatinga

It´s a Belo Horizonte

Good news, Valadares has water again, but the Rio Doce is still contaminated.

This week Elder Barbosa and I went on a split to João Molavade.  We were able to take the train, which was really cool. Literally, because it had air conditioning, I was actually a little cold. The ride was smooth and it was intresting to see more of the jungle area of brasil. The veiw of the mountains covered in jungle and fog was awesome.

While in Molavade I was partnered up with Elder Agiar. He´s really nice and only has one transfer left. I am really the junior of the group as I am the only one with more than 3 transfers left. While there we had a noite familiar (FHE) with one of the families that went really well. Also, while we were there a thunder storm started up. luckily, the family lent us some umbrellas to use.

So, our biggest success has been with a less-active convert of less than a year. She is an elderly lady and is really nice. Barbosa and I were just figuring out were to go next and happened to be in front of her house and she came out and started talking to us and shared her conversion story. She ended up coming to church the next week and we continued to visit her and she kept coming to church. She is now called as a counselor in the releif society presidency and we even had a noite familiar at her house. She is doing well and trying to figure out how to get the rest of her family interested in the gospel.

The ward had another baptism. That makes 2 for the ward and one for the missionaries.
When it rains here it really rains and afterwards it is even hotter.
We made some pizza pastels this week  

Questions from the Kimbler kids:

Benjamin (age 13) Do you spend a lot of time knocking doors? How do you find people to teach?
We do knock some doors, but not that many. Generally to find people to teach we just talk with people on the street, but the best way is through the members. This is because then they help us teach and are friends with the investigator.

Emma (age 10) Is it fun being a missionary?
It is fun, but it is also hard work. I guess a better word for it would be enjoyable and it is definitely worth it.

Matthew (age 7) Do you like the food? What's your favorite?
All the food is really good here. The fruit is better here. One thing I really miss is salsa. I did get pico de gallo one time. My favorite things are pastels and caldo de cana.

Henry (age 5) Do you get to eat candy- if so, what kind?
Yes, we eat candy. At times probably too much. They have a lot of Oreo variations here and all the packages are covered in minions and sponge-bob. My favorite treat is called goiobada and is a fruit paste.

Love you guys,
Elder Quain

Monday, November 16, 2015

November 16, 2015 - Ipatinga

It´s kind of a Belo Horizonte?
Well, if you know the news about Minas Gerais you´ll know that it´s not good right now. So, a dam that was holding back a bunch of mercury contaminated water has burst, killing quite a few people and contaminating the entire water supply of a city bigger than the one I am in and my city has about 270,000 people. Since the mercury turned the water red people are comparing it to the plagues of Egypt and a couple of our investigators were talking about how Brasil is not being righteous and it will get worse. There is actually a possibility, sadly. There is another dam with 3 times the mercury and they say it already has a crack in it.
Want to hear something happier? We made pastels last p-day. they are kind of like fried hot pockets filled with meat and cheese. I really like them and like every Brazilian meal we had them with ketchup and coke... You thought I was going to say rice and beans, right? Well, generally it is one of the two sets. 
You win some and you lose some. We lost some of our investigators this week due to them not wanting, not caring, or not being willing to act. The great thing is that We also gained some new investigators that have the desire, care about it, and want to change their lives. One of our investigators is really interesting and always has another random scripture in the bible that he wants us to try to explain. The problem is they are often taken out of context. It´s really hard to try to explain a random verse in revelation without sighting nearly every chapter before it.
So, we had our first real lightning storm and they were awesome. The lightning was giant and ran across the entire sky. One of the thunders was so big it sounded like a gun shot. The coolest part is that I even saw purple lighting. Is that normal? Half way thru I remembered that I left the window above my bed open. Luckily the rain was coming down in the other direction and didn´t come in through the window.
* A lot of people yell, "seguidores de Joseph Smith" at us
* Someone caught me off guard when they yelled, African!

Elder Quain
making pastels
 Elders Barbosa, Campelo, & Agiar


Tuesday, November 10, 2015

November 9, 2015 - Ipatinga

Wednesday, November 4, 2015

November 3, 2015 - Ipatinga

I see a Belo Horizonte.
Well, this week it rained. We have divisoes with the zone leaders this week and I was paired up with Elder Nunes. He´s Honduran and is really nice. As we were walking to to the area to switch companions it was raining lightly and I was doing just fine in my rain jacket. After we switched off the rain really started to pour and we hid under an overhang for about 15 minutes when I broke down and bought an umbrella. When we got to the apartment to begin studies Elder Nunes and I were completely soaked. Luckily the rain let up and We were able to have a normal day the rest of that day.
We were in my area for the split and it really helped me learn a lot. I have really let Elder Barbosa take the lead in planning and directions, while I was focusing on the language and how to be a missionary. I had to do the planning and most of the directions as Elder Nunes did not know the area. It was a good growing experience.
Just so you don´t get bored reading my letters I have another interesting story. Well, Like what happens every once and awhile on a mission our lessons fell through and we had to decide what to do next. We were both really tired and decided to sit down and look at the map. As we were looking at the map I guess somebody was spraying off their yard and pushed the water under the gate. Upon standing I found the backside of my pants very wet. It was very noticeable too because I was wearing my light brown pants. Luckily, it is hot in Brasil and it dried out rather quickly.
* I had my first fresh coconut this week and a member gave us some mangos
* There is a woman in the ward that tells me I´m too skinny about every time she sees me and another guy overheard it, now he does it also as a joke. 
Elder Quain

Me and my coconut
Me - Elder Nunes - Elder Marcedo - Elder Barbosa
Proving to Mom that I have washed my sheets, though rarely make my bed